Solutions to the most challenging problems in modern science lie between different disciplines.

We are always interested in motivated students and researchers, with either a physics, chemistry or biology background. If you are interested in our work, please get in touch with Sabrina Simoncelli (


Postdoctoral positions will be announced here and advertised widely when funding is available. In addition, Sabrina is happy to advice and support interested candidates who wish to apply for postdoctoral fellowships. Please contact Sabrina well in advance the submission deadline to discuss possible research projects.

We will soon advertise for a 2.5 years Postdoc position on “Multi-color Single Molecule Tracking with Lifetime Imaging” funded by the CZI,  for informal inquiries please contact Sabrina (

Postgraduate (PhD) students

If you are interested in a PhD within the group or able to secure independent funding by a fellowship or through a relevant graduate programme from the doctoral training centre, please contact Sabrina anytime to discuss research and funding opportunities. Application deadlines tend to be between November and March.

MSci/MSc and BSc students

The group is happy to host final year undergraduate students to complete their research projects. Please contact Sabrina if you are interested. 

Summer undergraduate students

Students in their first-, second- or third- year interested in getting hands-on research experience in a Nanotechnology lab for a 6-10 week research project should contact Sabrina. We are happy to advise and provide support in applying for different bursary schemes. Some examples include the Royal Society of ChemistryIPLS Undergraduate Summer Research Studentships, among others, with application deadlines typically between January and April.

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